If you could ask God one question what would it be?
I read an article today that told the story of a 6 year who
wrote a letter to God asking Him how he was invented. The letter found its way (via school teachers
and parents) to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams who answered the
question extremely well. He explained
that no one actually invented God but rather people have and still do discover
Him through such things as nature, prayer, inner peace and through the person
of Jesus Christ.

In Acts 15 we read about the Apostles and Elders coming
together at Jerusalem
to discuss the importance, if any, of circumcision. What we can draw from this account is that it
is good and right to ask questions and have in-depth discussions about subjects
we might not fully understand. Jesus
Himself never ran away from a good discussion or argument and probably asked
more questions than anyone else in the Bible.
There will always be things in this life that we don’t
understand – if you have a faith or not, and the Bible, like the aforementioned
article, encourages us to ask those tough questions. I think it’s very easy for us to ignore our
questions and doubts even though this can be unhelpful.
So…What would you ask God?
You never know He might just give you an answer.