I’ve just finished reading ‘The Volunteer Revolution’ by Bill Hybles (book review to follow) and the one thing that really struck me was this:
What am I doing that will outlive me?
This question has challenged me to look at my life and see if it really counts for anything? Of course to God, my family and friends; it does! But if I were to die tomorrow what would be the legacy I would leave?
On Sunday (19th Feb) I preached at Bishops Stortford Community Church on the subject of God’s Big Story (http://www.thecommunitychurch.org.uk/resource/index.php). I outlined how the Church is the fulfilment of the promise spoken to Abraham (Genesis 26) and how The Church has always been on His heart. It has always been Gods plan to bring about a people from every nation, tribe and tongue for three main purposes: to worship Him, to bless one another and to serve this lost and broken world.
Surely, to quote Hybles again, the local Church is the hope
of the world (Ephesians 3:10-11).
So what am I doing that will outlive me? I’m doing my best to love Jesus, love the Church
and to serve this world.
In the coming weeks I'll take a deeper look at these three purposes and how they are helping me change the world that I live in. Hopefully along the way I'll stir you to ask yourself: What am I doing that will outlive me?
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