In my blog entitled ‘Pinky and the Brain’ I spoke of the
three main purposes of the Church; to worship God, to bless the believer and to
serve this lost and broken world. I’ve been stirred to ask myself ‘how am I fulfilling
the purposes to which I have been called to?’
Today I want to look at my Worship life:
Worship is everywhere and everyone worships. When I became a Christian in 2002, I made a commitment
to God that I would choose to worship Him before all other things, for this is
simply what worship is. To lift someone
or something up, to adore and honour them and to put the person or object
before yourself in full devotion. People
worship money, career, sex, drink, sport, their families or a mixture of them all! In fact anything can become an
object of worship; even cows!

It’s hard work being a dad, husband, employee, brother,
friend and son. A lot of my time is no
longer my own and when the time that is my own gets infringed upon, how do I respond? I often get grumpy, bitter and annoyed at
those doing the infringing! I think that I should be number one, that I'm the most important person in the world and that my time should reflect this! I get frustrated that I have to do something I don't want to do! I lift myself up and evelate my own feelings and opinions to a point of honour and praise! 'I know best...' I tell myself. I think 'I deserve to be selfish.'
So how’s my worship life?
How am I doing when fulfilling the first and greatest command given to
the church (Matthew 26:36-40)? Not very
well! Of course we’re all on a journey
and Joash has nudged me a bit further along on that journey, but what I’ve come
to realise is that the god of self is rife in our society.
In my opinion this is the main reason abortions are on the increase and
marriage is on the decrease; because both require a self-sacrifice. Both require us to give something up and our culture teaches us that this is wrong and a sign of weakness.
My prayer daily is that God would give me the grace, energy
and strength to worship Him and not myself and my worship is fueled by the truth that Jesus didn't worship Himself but chose to humble Himself and exalt and honour the Fathers (Luke 22:42). There are so many good things in this world and I want to make sure that I get them in the right context. I want to make sure that I put God first and everything else second.
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