Friday, 27 September 2013

It's been a while!

It's definitely been too long and definitely time to write a new blog post!

In between having babies and launching new charities, Amy and I haven't had much spare time but seeing as we love to watch a good movie, last week we rented ‘Parental Guidance’ with Billy Crystal.  

The film is about a father’s strained relationship with his daughter and his grandchildren.  It was a good film.  We laughed out a loud a few times and thought it was worth the £3 rental we paid for it.

Although it was said to be a comedy (which it was) the defining moment of the film had Amy and in tears of emotion.  As the film progressed what we saw was that Billy Crystal (the struggling father and grand father) was actually from a broken and hurting home where he failed to receive the unconditional love that he needed.  This in turn affected the way he parented his own daughter and grandchildren.

It got me thinking about how I parent my own two children.

I’ve been reading a book called ‘The emotionally healthy church’ which is all about how to maintain your emotional health.  Two years ago I probably wouldn’t have realized the need for me to give my time to such a book but having kids has challenged and changed my view on this.

I firmly believe that we teach those around us what we know but we reproduce what we are. 

I want to do the very best by my wife, son and daughter.  I want to set them the best example that I possible can.  I want to grow and develop a wonderful and beautiful relationship with all of them.  I want to extent unconditional love, be honest with them and treat them with the respect and honour they deserve.  Outside of the home I want to lead well in areas of church and work and set a great example to friends and family.

I believe that in order to be the most completely father, husband, friend, employee, son and brother I can be, I need to first take care of my own health and especially my emotional health.  I’m even starting to come around to the thinking that our emotional health affects far more of our lives, actions and choices than our physical, mental and possibly even our spiritual health.

So, how are you doing emotionally? 

Friday, 1 March 2013


I watched a film recently called:  MONEYBALL; a sports drama based on a true story starring Brad Pitt (Billy Beane) as head coach of a Major League Baseball team the Oakland Athletics.  Pitt’s job was to try and be as successful as possible on the smallest budget possible and the film shows us his journey as he attempts to reinvent the way Baseball teams are managed and coached.

The film gripped me for two reasons:  I love sports dramas and I love true stories about hard working pioneers!

A pioneer is a pathfinder, initiator and trailblazer, someone who is willing to take the initiative for change.  A pioneer is someone who is willing to stand up and be counted, someone who is willing to take a risk for the benefit of others.  A pioneer is someone who is not willing to simply ‘survive’ or settle for the ‘status quo’ but someone who sees beyond limitations, challenges and life circumstances.

If I were to ask you: what’s wrong with the world?  You would have something to say.  As Tim Keller, the Pastor and Author, observes ‘it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world!’

My question to you this week is this:  What are you doing about it? 

There are different ways we all respond to culture:  we can conform/copy it...we can complain or critique it...or we can create and change it.
Jesus was a pioneer, He didn’t conform or complain about the culture around Him, but instead He changed it.  He was a culture creator.  He wasn't willing to sit around, complain about society and then carry on with His life. 
I believe that we all have the ability and potential to change the world we live in, no matter how big or small that change might be.  Maybe it starts with the way you think, or the way you speak.  Or maybe it’s launching a new project or initiative for the benefit of your town or city.

Whatever it is for you…let me encourage you to go and tread a new path.

Go and be a Billy Beane.  Go and write your own story.

Friday, 8 February 2013

New you?

New Year Blog (OK so I'm a few weeks late!)!

So as 2012 closed a new chapter opened…

I’m currently in Starbucks enjoying a free cup of coffee whilst reflecting on 2012 and thinking about what 2013 holds.

2012 was a great year for Amy and I – one that was challenging, fun and exciting!  We relaxed on holiday I Malaga, I started a new training course at work and it saw the continued progress of the Youth CafĂ© ( that we are launching.

However for me the year can be summed up in one word…Joash!  Our son was born on 4th November 2011 and is now 14 months old!  2012 was a year of us growing into parenthood and learning what it means to be a mother and a father.  It’s been quite a journey and one that has really challenged and changed us.  It’s been tiring, confusing and hard work but above all it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done! 

As I look forward to 2013 I’m wondering what is in store for us as a family, collectively and individually.  It’s at this time of the year that I will set myself several goals for the year whilst reviewing lasts years goals.

People often baulk at the thought of another failed New Year’s resolution but in my opinion they are great things - a chance to challenge yourself to grow and become a better person.  Why wouldn’t someone want to do that?!

For me goals work because that help me to stay focused and give me something to aim at. 

The Bible says that ‘without vision people perish’ and I wonder if you’ve set yourself a goal(s) for the year. 
If you've set yourself some goals for the year what are they?  And more importanlty...four weeks into the New Year...are you still working towards these goals?