Friday, 1 March 2013


I watched a film recently called:  MONEYBALL; a sports drama based on a true story starring Brad Pitt (Billy Beane) as head coach of a Major League Baseball team the Oakland Athletics.  Pitt’s job was to try and be as successful as possible on the smallest budget possible and the film shows us his journey as he attempts to reinvent the way Baseball teams are managed and coached.

The film gripped me for two reasons:  I love sports dramas and I love true stories about hard working pioneers!

A pioneer is a pathfinder, initiator and trailblazer, someone who is willing to take the initiative for change.  A pioneer is someone who is willing to stand up and be counted, someone who is willing to take a risk for the benefit of others.  A pioneer is someone who is not willing to simply ‘survive’ or settle for the ‘status quo’ but someone who sees beyond limitations, challenges and life circumstances.

If I were to ask you: what’s wrong with the world?  You would have something to say.  As Tim Keller, the Pastor and Author, observes ‘it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world!’

My question to you this week is this:  What are you doing about it? 

There are different ways we all respond to culture:  we can conform/copy it...we can complain or critique it...or we can create and change it.
Jesus was a pioneer, He didn’t conform or complain about the culture around Him, but instead He changed it.  He was a culture creator.  He wasn't willing to sit around, complain about society and then carry on with His life. 
I believe that we all have the ability and potential to change the world we live in, no matter how big or small that change might be.  Maybe it starts with the way you think, or the way you speak.  Or maybe it’s launching a new project or initiative for the benefit of your town or city.

Whatever it is for you…let me encourage you to go and tread a new path.

Go and be a Billy Beane.  Go and write your own story.

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